Colorectal Cancer Screening
Colorectal Cancer Screening
Colon cancer is incredibly dangerous but is luckily also incredibly preventable. It is listed as the second most common cancer killer in the United States in both men and women.
A routine colonoscopy is both a detection tool and treatment tool, all in one procedure! Colon cancer usually does not hurt through majority of its growth period, and it is usually detected when it is difficult to cure. However, most colon cancers grow through a stage of a polyp for many years, and this is the basis for preventive role of colonoscopy. Polyps are “growths” on the lining of the colon, and similarly to colon cancer, are painless so we do not know whether we have them or not. During colonoscopy, all but extremely big polyps could be removed, thus significantly reducing the risk of unexpectedly developing colon cancer. Patients often shy away from this procedure because of its relatively uncomfortable preparation the day prior to the procedure, but this preparation and following procedure can save your life if pre-cancerous polyps can be removed.