Rectal Bleeding
Rectal Bleeding
Rectal bleeding can occur as a result of chronic constipation or period after hemorrhoids, however, it can also have more serious causes, including colorectal cancer. At Texas Center For Digestive Health, patients in the Katy area receive advanced testing to determine the cause of rectal bleeding, followed by care aimed at treating the underlying cause.
Need More Information?
What signs and symptoms do rectal bleeding cause?
Rectal bleeding (or bleeding in or near the rectum) typically appears deep or bright red, and it may or may not be accompanied by pain. By contrast, bleeding that develops elsewhere in the gastrointestinal tract tends to cause dark stools that are sticky or tar-like in their consistency. Rectal bleeding can appear as blood in the stool, blood in the toilet or as a red smear on toilet paper used to wipe following a bowel movement. In some cases, it can cause reddish or rust-colored stains in underwear.
What are the most common causes of rectal bleeding?
There are several issues that can cause rectal bleeding, including:
hard stools
straining when moving the bowel
colon polyps
colorectal cancer
a rectal fissure or cut
Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease or IBD)
rectal inflammation or irritation
rectal prolapse, a condition that causes the rectum to protrude from the anus
How can I tell if my rectal bleeding should be evaluated by a doctor?
Because both benign (relatively harmless) and serious issues can cause rectal bleeding, any type of bleeding from the rectum should be reported to the doctor so it can be evaluated.