Hemorrhoid Treatment
Hemorrhoid Treatment
Hemorrhoids are very common affecting more than 50% of the population. Our in-office banding procedure is one of the least invasive options available.
By the age of fifty, more than half of the population will have hemorrhoids. This is important to know because they are so common, but are rarely talked about. Hemorrhoids are dilated veins at the bottom of rectum. All people have internal hemorrhoids – we are born with them! Hemorrhoids may cause a verity of problems, including frequent rectal bleeding (usually painless), rectall pain, fullness, itching or burning. Some hemorrhoids resolve spontaneously, but others require some level of intervention from the patient and/or their doctor.
In the past, patients had the options of diet modification, personal hygiene changes, sitzbaths and various rectal creams and ointments. Frequently, these modalities provided only temporary relief. Now, Dr. Janecki can treat hemorrhoids in the office with a simple banding procedure that is incredibly effective. The banding procedure is one of the least invasive options available and is often very effective in alleviating most if not all problems related to recurrent hemorrhoids. For details about the banding procedure performed in our office please CLICK HERE.
Other procedures for treatment of hemorrhoids are also available, such as a chemical injection, freezing/laser/heat treatment, and surgical removal. Ask Dr. Janecki. which option is best for you.
If you would like to inquire about or schedule a hemorrhoid treatment, please contact our office today!
Have some questions?
What are hemorrhoids?
A hemorrhoid is a mass of swollen, inflamed blood vessels and tissues in the anus and rectum. Hemorrhoids can cause an array of symptoms, including itching, pain, and bleeding, especially during bowel movements or when constipated. Some hemorrhoids can bleed during bowel movements without causing pain or itching. Large hemorrhoids can prolapse or “fall out” of the anus and extend beyond it, causing extreme discomfort. Without appropriate care, they can stretch the anus over time and contribute to symptoms of fecal incontinence and bowel leakage, as well as uncontrollable expulsion of gas.
Is rectal bleeding always caused by hemorrhoids?
No, rectal bleeding can be caused by other issues as well, including fissures or cuts and more serious conditions like colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease. Rectal bleeding should be evaluated by a gastroenterologist to determine the cause and receive the most appropriate care.
Why do hemorrhoids occur?
Hemorrhoids tend to form as a result of repeated pressure in the anus or rectum. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have hemorrhoids, and so are pregnant women and people whose jobs require long periods of standing or repeated heavy lifting. Chronic constipation and straining when having bowel movements can also cause hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids also become more common with age, occurring more often in people who are 50 years of age and older.
How are hemorrhoids treated?
Hemorrhoids that cause recurrent or chronic symptoms often can be treated with a simple in-office procedure that places an elastic band around the hemorrhoid, slowly cutting off the flow of blood to the area. Within a few days, the hemorrhoid falls off and scar tissue forms in the area to help prevent hemorrhoids from recurring. Other procedures use special techniques to shrink the hemorrhoids without removing it.
Can I just treat my hemorrhoids with over-the-counter products?
While some over-the-counter products can be helpful in relieving the symptoms of mild to moderate hemorrhoids, they don’t treat the underlying problems, which means hemorrhoids can become worse over time. Plus, over-the-counter products should never be used instead of a doctor’s evaluation, which is essential for ruling out serious causes of rectal bleeding like IBD and cancer.